Today's data
This page shows a summary of the data since midnight local time.Temperature and Humidity | ||
High Temperature | 52.0 °F | at 13:40 |
Low Temperature | 47.8 °F | at 00:00 |
Temperature Range | 4.2 °F | |
High Apparent Temperature | 50.5 °F | at 12:46 |
Low Apparent Temperature | 45.8 °F | at 00:00 |
High Heat Index | 52.0 °F | at 13:40 |
Low Wind Chill | 47.8 °F | at 00:00 |
Maximum dew point | 46.3 °F | at 13:40 |
Minimum dew point | 41.3 °F | at 00:00 |
High Humidity | 81 % | at 08:51 |
Low Humidity | 78 % | at 00:00 |
Heat degree days | 0.0 | |
Cool degree days | 18.4 | |
Rainfall | ||
Rainfall Rate Max | 0.09 in/hr | at 06:02 |
High Hourly Rainfall | 0.02 in | at 05:57 |
Current Wet Spell | 2 days | |
Current Dry Spell | 0 days | |
Wind | ||
Highest Gust | 6.0 mph | at 11:57 |
Highest Speed (10 minute average) | 4.0 mph (F2) | at 12:06 |
Wind bearing | 255° | at 11:57 |
Dominant Direction | 252° WSW | |
Wind Run | 7.5 miles | |
Beaufort scale | F2 | Light breeze |
"Pressure (sea level) | ||
High Pressure | 29.946 in | at 00:18 |
Low Pressure | 29.849 in | at 14:03 |
Update 12/10/2024 2:04:00 PM
Powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1099)